Tuesday 26 February 2013

26th FEB 2013

Its amazing how people think that school is very easy and how school is less stressful but from my own point of view school is very and i say again very stressful.No doubt school is fun when you look at the fun side of it and thats even only in 1st year but as you go higher it gets tougher and less interesting and it is at this point that you know those that really came to school to study and those that came to school to play.
I know that what i want to talk about now is stale and out of date but the more i talk about it the more i get angry.I don't know what you feel about Kim Kardashian's outfit at the Love like a movie concert.Mehn!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That outfit was "WHACK",very very horrible attire,ah ahn nowwww what was she thinking when she was packing her bag to come to Nigeria,its so obvious she still looks at Nigeria as one very underdeveloped country or maybe she thinks Nigerians dont know how to dress or what!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! what exactly was she thinking when she decided to wear that dress.In all sha it just shows the level of her IQ.(thank God i got that out now)
The next thing i'm going to thrash here is how some very ugly boys and girls feel fly with their very low and disgusting life'. I went to buy electricity yesterday and i saw a couple of girls there but thats not even the issue,there were this set of girls sitting just beside me - i actually noticed them when i entered the building cos they were laughing at something i didnt know - and one of them asked me if i was married and DAMN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i got so angry.................what is her business sef ehn!!!!!!!!!!!! what is her own ehn!!!!! do i look like someone that is getting married now or do i look like her mother or elder sister.........but sincerely when i got back home i had to ask my roommate if i really look old like that and i'll like to ask you guys too?

Monday 18 February 2013

I'm writing this out of sheer boredom o!

On valS day some people went out with there spouses and all while some people actually stayed back at home to get more acquainted with their TV sets. Well that's not what i'm getting to but i had to start with something,right now i'm really hungry and bored so i decided to write something. i saw thingssssss!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!. Omo mehn u gats c vals day now, the SS near my house was rowdy(apologies to those that went there that day out of brokeness) but because of that i have concluded that anyone who goes to SS on a public hols is broke (apologies again). Since i don't want to be mean about it i'll just say that people really took the whole idea of vals day serious left to me id rather spend the day looking out the window of a fast moving keke or on my very very comfortable bed sleeping.All of you who got gifts on vals day congrats o and all of you who gave gifts congrats too and to those who are complaining about their gifts 'mtchew' to you.To those that didn't go out on Vals day i'll love to c your comments below.ciao.